Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Plessy V Ferguson class case

Homer Plessy is suing Ferguson under the fourteenth amendment because he was arrested for sitting in a white railroad car.

Argument for Plessy - He was sold the ticket knowing of his racial lineage.  They sold him this ticket to get him into trouble.  He was essentially set up for buying this ticket.  The argument for Plessy stated that it was the railroads fault because they knew that he was african american, and still sold him the ticket to a white persons car only.  He legally bought this ticket, and there was an officer on the train waiting for him to be set up, this is infringing on his rights.  The cars were technically supposed to be equal, but they were clearly not.

Argument for Ferguson -  Ferguson was told by the community of citizens to buy the ticket, therefore he knew what he was walking into.  The train company was a private company, therefore the government could not act upon the racism of the company.  It does not state in the 14th amendment that black and whites must have the same social equality, such as the railroad carts.  Fairness does not necessarily matter.

I believe that the second time had a better legal argument, yet the first team had a better moral argument.  Ferguson won the case.

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