Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Michelle Obama and the war on good food

Michelle Obama, the first lady of America, is deciding that Americans should drink unsweetened iced tea.  Now, this is quite ridiculous because we all know that everyone loves a good sweet tea, especially southerners.  I am from the north and really do love sweet tea, it is one of my favorite things about the south.  Michelle wants kids to eat kale burgers and curried pumpkin.  Is she serious?

 Michelle has always been against having sweets in school and she has always tried to restrict school lunches.  In high school, the school lunch was not fantastic.  Over time, from having school lunch in middle school, which was very good, until my last year of high school where it was just gross.  We used to get full sandwiches with french fries, which changed to half a sandwich and a small salad.

She is a big proponent of lettuce and bean sprouts apparently, and she wants us to wash that down with unsweet tea? That sounds absolutely disgusting, to be honest.  Sweet tea is a symbol of the south, and that will never change.  I feel bad for younger children who have to eat small meals in school, which don't taste very good to begin with.

Michelle has a campaign called "Lets Move!" which is really lame.  I don't support her in anything she does with that campaign.  If I was in high school still, and i wanted to drink a sweet tea with my lunch, I should be able to.  I was 18 my senior year of high school, which is legally an adult, and you're telling me I cant have a sweet tea? Unreal.

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